New Unit Tests

I just push a new branch on Yoshioka with a new way to unit test the project.

Previously, all the test, and so all the required modules were loaded in the same page and all the tests runned in the same window context. Result in a big project like Overblog was that we had some false positives, some modules which didn't have declared its own dependancies but were loaded by previous tests, syntax errors which were not catched and highlighted as fail. And practical, we had to reload the entire page when modifying a code source file.

Now, the main page is only a summary page of all the tests files. The tests are run in an independant iframe. Each series of tests run in its own sand box without altering other test. We found that we had some false positive tests in Overblog project. We could too fix some syntax errors. And no need to reload all the page, just click the test's run button will reload only its files in its iframe.

A real productivity and quality gain !

New Unit Tests
New Unit Tests